POST & PARCEL GERMANY: For Business Customers of Parcel Germany.
Browse APIs 
Best for:
- Place free or chargeable pick-up orders via web service
- Query the agreed pickup locations assigned to the user
- Query details and status of a pickup
Best for:
- Creation of return labels to be used by end customers
- Returns sender countries: bel, bgr, dnk, deu, est, fin, fra, grc, gbr, irl, ita, hrv, lva, ltu, lux, mlt, nld, nor, aut, pol, prt, rou, swe, che, svk, svn, esp, cze, hun, cyp
- Determination of receiver configuration for your account
Best for:
- Business customers of Post & Parcel Germany
- Create and manage shipment labes for domestic and international Parcels
Best for:
With the DHL shipment tracking API pivate and business customers can query the shipment status and history of shipments at any time.
Best for:
- Business Customers sending PDF documents as mail shipment with Deutsche Post
- Using varied mail shipments of Deutsche Post with E-POST
- Tracking the shipment from uploading through delivery
- Get access and implementing the E-POSTBUSINESS API
- Register as a Business Software Developer (
- Get your contract and the API access data
- Implement and activate the API
- Send your mail shipment
Best for:
- Business Customers using Mail Communication Services (discounted rate) (Verfolgen Brief Teilleistungen)
- Subscribing to DPDHL Mail Communication Tracking Push API
- Register for Push API subscription
- Provide your client URL and business customer portal user
- Start receiving daily mail shipment status pushed from DPDHL to your endpoint
Best for:
- Business customers of Deutsche Post AG
- Electronic order management of Deutsche Post AG's commercial and logistics processes (Mail)
Best for:
- Validate postnumbers to ensure deliverability of shipments to the corresponding person at Packstation parcel lockers.
This API is used for dispatching Dialogue Marketing print mailings.
- Calculate and optimize prices
- Create shipping documents
- Franking
- Place and change your order
- Use an easy way for dispatch preparation in your software
This API is used for planning Dialogue Marketing print mailings.
- Plan new target groups and
- Select target areas.
- Get possible options for your print mailing directly and
- Receive relevant recipient data for the dispatch preparation.