POST & PARCEL GERMANY: For Business Customers of Parcel Germany.
Browse APIs 
Best for:
This service is used to update Alt Instruction for Waybill number. Few Alternative instruction are RTO which is Cancel Waybill for a shipment and all.
Customer Alt-Instruction Update :
This service provide us the information to Update Alternate instructions for a Waybill number. Alternate instructions are RTO of a shipment, Reattempt for delivery, Escalation Delivery, Land Mark Change and Alternate Mobile.
Best for:
The Location Finder provides you with information on locations serviced by Blue Dart. It also outlines the services available for each location. This service can be used by the customer to be better advised on the serviceability and reach of Blue Dart locations. This query input is based on pin code.
Get Service for Pin-code :
This method will return information about all types of services provided by Blue Dart for requested pin code.
Get Service for Product:
This method will return service availablity for requested pincode,product / subproduct.
Get Service for Pincode and Product:
This method will return service availablity for requested pincode,product / subproduct.
Best for:
This API exposes methods those will be used for masters download. It will downloads incremental pin code master changes
Download Pincode Master :
Downlaod-Pincode-Master service will help us to downloads incremental pin code master changes
Best for:
The Cancel Pickup registration API exposes methods which will be used to cancel a Pickup. This Service provide the flexibility to registered customer to cancel its Shipment pickup
Cancel Pickup Registration :
This service will allow customer or user to cancel a pickup for its shipment. Canceling of pickup will be applicable to customer who are registered for the shipment order to Pickup.
The customer will use detail along with additional information related to shipment as token number and pickup registration date for its shipment order.
Best for:
The product and Sub-Product Pickup Detail registration API exposes methods which will be used to get detail of a Pickup. This Service provide the flexibility to customer to cancel its get the detail of the pickup
Get All Products and Sub-Products:
This method will return all product & subproduct codes details that will be used to send as input parameters in Pickup Registration method.
This service will allow customer provides all product & subproduct details for its shipment.
Best for:
The registration pickup API provides the flexibility for the Blue Dart customer to register themself for pick up the shipment order.
Register Pickup:
This service will allow customer for Registering their pickup for its shipment. Registration of pickup will be applicable to customer to provide details like Area, Product, Customer Name, Address, Telephone details, etc. The response for the product provides Token Number for the registered shipment and Status of the order.
Best for:
The API provide customer with all detail information and status of their shipment.
Shipment Detail:
This operation will return all the information of customer shipment.
Shipment Status:
This operation will provide us all the status information of customer shipment.
Best for:
The Transit Time Finder provides user with the delivery date for a selected service. The detail which are required to provide the Blue Dart service required, the Origin pin code, Destination pin code, pickup date and time.
GetDomesticTransitTimeForPinCodeandProduct :
This method will return Expected delivery date of the shipment when it is shipped on a certain date for a selected service.
Best for:
This service is used to generate, update, cancel and import Waybill.
Generate WayBill (Single Waybill Generation):
This method will generate Waybill using all necessary data as input parameters.
Import data (Multiple Waybill Generation):
This method will generate multiple Waybill using all necessary data as input parameters.
Update EWaybill :
Provision to update Ewaybill number generated by customer against blue dart waybill numbers.
Cancel Waybill :
This method will cancel Waybill request before Shipment Manifest (In-scan).
Automatic completion of postal data
Best for:
- More user friendly than ever with fast and convenient address entry
- Accurate address data from initial contact
- Fewer returns thanks to correct postal data
- Simplified generation of routing codes with DHL-compliant data
Best for:
- Place free or chargeable pick-up orders via web service
- Query the agreed pickup locations assigned to the user
- Query details and status of a pickup
Best for:
- Creation of return labels to be used by end customers
- Returns sender countries: bel, bgr, dnk, deu, est, fin, fra, grc, gbr, irl, ita, hrv, lva, ltu, lux, mlt, nld, nor, aut, pol, prt, rou, swe, che, svk, svn, esp, cze, hun, cyp
- Determination of receiver configuration for your account
Best for:
- Business customers of Post & Parcel Germany
- Create and manage shipment labes for domestic and international Parcels
Best for:
With the DHL shipment tracking API pivate and business customers can query the shipment status and history of shipments at any time.
Best for:
- Business Customers sending PDF documents as mail shipment with Deutsche Post
- Using varied mail shipments of Deutsche Post with E-POST
- Tracking the shipment from uploading through delivery
- Get access and implementing the E-POSTBUSINESS API
- Register as a Business Software Developer (
- Get your contract and the API access data
- Implement and activate the API
- Send your mail shipment
Best for:
- Business Customers using Mail Communication Services (discounted rate) (Verfolgen Brief Teilleistungen)
- Subscribing to DPDHL Mail Communication Tracking Push API
- Register for Push API subscription
- Provide your client URL and business customer portal user
- Start receiving daily mail shipment status pushed from DPDHL to your endpoint
Best for:
- Business customers of Deutsche Post AG
- Electronic order management of Deutsche Post AG's commercial and logistics processes (Mail)
Best for:
- Validate postnumbers to ensure deliverability of shipments to the corresponding person at Packstation parcel lockers.
This API is used for dispatching Dialogue Marketing print mailings.
- Calculate and optimize prices
- Create shipping documents
- Franking
- Place and change your order
- Use an easy way for dispatch preparation in your software