Additional Services (DHL Freight)
v 1.1
Division: DHL Freight

Best for:

To validate which DHL Freight additional services can be combined to each product and how they can be combined with each other.


  • For existing DHL Freight business customers with a valid contract.
  • For domestic and international palletized road freight transport orders (> 35 kg) across Europe.
Region: Europe
Used for: Additional Services

Additional Service API allows you to retrieve following information:

  • Determining available DHL Freight additional services for transport order
  • Validate allowed combinations of additional services

A short overview of the available methods:

  • GET /additionalservices:

With this method you receive all available DHL Freight additional services for all DHL Freight products across all countries and regions.

For each additional service its defined code and description is returned.

NOTE: Please use GET /products/{productId}/additionalservices: to receive the relevant (possible) additional services for your selected product!

  • GET /products/{productId}/additionalservices:

Same as previous, but only returns the available additional services for your selected product.

  • POST /additionalservices/validationresults:

Provide a list of requested additional services with true/false and receive the validation results whether these services combination is allowed.

  • POST /products/{productId}/additionalservices/validationresults:

Same as previous, but also validates the additional services in the context of your selected product.

For additional information, please contact

User Guide

Get Access

For getting access to DHL Freight APIs, please login the portal as developer and request access for the Freight APIs by clicking at the top right corner of the screen as "Get Access". Then fill out the DHL Freight Customer Onboarding Form and select which Freight APIs you need. After initial evaluation and business approval you will be informed via your developer email and you can find your SANDBOX APP with requested APIs under your user profile under My Apps.


Every call to the API requires a specific key called as Bearer Token which is valid 30 minutes. This key needs to be either passed through a query string parameter or specified in the request header. 
The DHL Freight APIs require a two step authentication where you first need to get access to the API itself (see below) and as a second step you need to retrieve a Bearer Token.

To view your API subscription keys:

  1. From the My Apps screen, click on the name of your app. 
    The Details screen appears. 
  2. If you have access to more than one Freight API, click the name of the relevant Freight API. 
    Note: The APIs are listed under the “Credentials” section. 
  3. Click the Show link below the asterisks that is hiding the Consumer Key
    The Consumer Key appears.    

With your obtained API Key and API Secret, set username with your API Key and set Password with your API Secret to obtain a Bearer Token via DHL Freight APIs.
You do not need to request access directly to the  DHL Group Authentication API, as Bearer Token mechanism is included in all DHL Freight APIs.
Above link to the DHL Group Authentication API is only for documentation and developer instructions.


The addressable API base URL/URI environments are:

EnvironmentDescription environment environment

Rate limits

Rate limits protect the DHL infrastructure from suspicious requests that exceed defined thresholds.

The table below details the main request limits:

Service LevelMaximum calls per secondMaximum calls per day -250

Please contact if you need a different service level.

When the limit is reached, you will receive an HTTP Status code:

429: Too many requests.
Legal Terms
Specifics for the use of DHL Freight Additional Service API
  • The Additional Service (DHL Freight) API enables to validate which DHL Freight additional services can be combined to each product and how they can be combined with each other. 
  • For the purposes of these Legal Terms, “you”/”your” or “registrant/user” means the (natural) person or entity holding a (transportation) contract with a DHL Freight entity.
  • If you engage an external developer or other IT services provider to represent you and to develop Your Application according to the General Developer Portal Terms of Use and these special API terms & conditions (also referred to as “Legal Terms”), you are liable for the acts or omissions of such third party in connection with the usage of the Additional Service (DHL Freight) API and the API Services.
  • By registering for the use of and/or using the Additional Service (DHL Freight) API, each registrant and/or user of the Additional Service (DHL Freight) API in addition to the General Developer Portal Terms of Use agree to these Legal Terms and all the terms included herein. Should the terms of the General Developer Portal Terms of Use and these Legal Terms conflict, these Legal Terms shall govern.
  • These Legal Terms and the General Developer Portal Terms of Use govern your usage of Additional Service (DHL Freight) API including the API Service and, unless otherwise stated herein, do not replace and/or modify any other DHL Freight terms and conditions, DHL Freight transportation services agreements and/or any other agreements, contracts or SOWs with a specific DHL Freight entity or any of its affiliates, which govern services or products provided to you (separately, each an “Agreement”). Notwithstanding the foregoing, you expressly acknowledge and agree that solely with respect to your use of Additional Service (DHL Freight) API including the API Service these Legal Terms and the General Developer Portal Terms of Use shall have preference over the terms and conditions in an Agreement, unless any terms and conditions in an Agreement specifically address the use of the Additional Service (DHL Freight) API or the API Service by you, in which case the specific terms and conditions of the Agreement shall prevail with respect to Your use of the Additional Service (DHL Freight) API/the API Service.
  • The API Productive Key for the Additional Service (DHL Freight) API is a private and individual key for you. it shall not be used by or for other external customers. You may not allow your developer or IT services provider to use your API Productive Key for potential other DHL Freight (transportation) customers. 
  • Neither DHL Freight nor any other affiliate within DHL Group, is responsible for storing a record of any data (API-call or -request data or the actual contents of the data sets), that has been exchanged via the Additional Service (DHL Freight) API, unless expressly agreed upon in writing (e.g. in the Agreement).
  • You shall use the services and/or data that you receive via the Additional Service (DHL Freight) API only for the legitimate business purposes, only in connection with DHL Freight's transportation and/or other services, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to, laws regarding the use of personal data.
  • You acknowledge that material and information you may acquire, including (but not limited to) transportation methods, booking information, financial or other accounting information and other procedures and processes relating to the Additional Service (DHL Freight) API and the API Service (“Materials”) are proprietary, confidential, and owned by DHL Freight. Other than described herein, you shall have no additional rights to the Materials.
  • For the purposes of the use of the Additional Service (DHL Freight) API and the API Service, these Legal Terms and the General Developer Portal Terms of Use are governed by the law and jurisdiction defined in the Agreement. Should no law or jurisdiction be defined in the Agreement or otherwise, these Legal Terms shall be governed according to the law and jurisdiction of the principal place of business of the according DHL Freight entity/division providing the transportation services.