Shipment Tracking v2 (DHL Global Forwarding)
v 1.0.1
Division: DHL Global Forwarding

Best for:

  • Providing access to the shipment tracking at any time
  • Business customers of DHL Global Forwarding
  • Air, Ocean, Road and Rail Freight shipments 
  • Emissions information
  • Latest and historical routing information
  • Masterbill, Container and Exceptions information for registered users
Region: Global
Used for: Tracking

Shipment Tracking API v2 allows developer to request for shipment's information using shipment housebill number (DHL shipment number), customer reference and shipment ID. API response includes:

  • Shipment details
  • Latest event & timestamp
  • Historical events & timestamps

The API also allows you to list existing shipments based on the selected filters. To do this, use the POST /shipment-list endpoint to retrieve a list of shipments. Then, use the provided references (housebill, shipmentID, customerReference) to proceed to the next step by calling the GET /v2/shipment-tracking endpoint.

Please see API specification for more details.


The Shipment Tracking (DHL Global Forwarding) API v2 provides access to tracking services relating to various products at DHL Global Forwarding. 

Using the API

You must have an eligible housebill number (DHL shipment number), selected customerReference, or shipmentID for the shipment and an API subscription key (this key needs to be either passed through HTTP request header). 

User Guide

Get Access

You must request credentials for any applications you develop

To register your app and get your API subscription keys:

  1. Click My Apps on the portal website.
  2. Click Add Developer App.
    The “Add App” form appears.
  3. Complete the Add App form. 
    You can select the APIs you want to access. 
  4. When you have completed the form, click the Add App button. 
    The “Approved” label will appear next to the app name when the app has been approved.
    Note: Additional verification steps may be required for some applications.


Every call to the API requires a subscription key. This key needs to be either passed through a query string parameter or specified in the request header (DHL-API-Key).

To view your API subscription keys:

  1. From the My Apps screen, click on the name of your app.
    The Details screen appears. 
  2. If you have access to more than one API, click the name of the relevant API. 
    Note: The APIs are listed under the “Credentials” section. 
  3. Click the Show link below the asterisks that is hiding the Consumer Key
    The Consumer Key appears.  


The addressable API base URL/URI environment is:  

Environment Description Production environment Sandbox environment


Rate limits

Rate limits protect the DHL infrastructure from suspicious requests that exceed defined thresholds.

The table below details the main request limits:

Service Level Maximum calls
Starter 50 per day
Standard 2500 per day
Internal 5000 per day

Please contact if you need higher throughput. 

When the limit is reached, you will receive an HTTP Status code: 

HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests


Additional Information

Code List
Code Description
HBE Shipment Entered Into System
APT Actual Pickup Time
RCD Received at Origin
DEW Departed DHL Station
DEP Carrier: Departed
EAA Carrier: Arrived (1st Transit Point)
EAB Carrier: Departed (1st Transit Point)
EAC Carrier: Arrived (2nd Transit Point)
EAD Carrier: Departed (2nd Transit Point)
ARR Carrier: Arrived
ARV Arrived Final Destination
FPR Freight Recovered at
TBN Broker Notified
CUS Customs Entry
CLC Import Customs Cleared
OFD Out for Delivery
DOS Document Handover
EPD Estimated Delivery
POD Shipment Delivered
CAN Shipment Cancelled


Code Description
A17 Customer Booking Received
A34 Shipment Entered into System
A31 CFS/CY Cut-Off Date
A20 Booking Confirmed to Customer
A28 Estimated Vessel Departure
A29 Estimated Vessel Arrival
A04 Actual Pickup Date (customer)
A30 Arrival at Origin DGF Terminal
A05 Gated in at Port/Terminal
A42 Actual Vessel Departure
A41 Consignee / Broker Notified
A11 Actual Vessel Arrival  (ATA)
A62 Sent to Import Customs
A39 Import Customs Cleared
A13 Gated Out at Port/Terminal
A12 Actual Freight Available
A60 Document Handover (if no POD)
A48 Estimated Delivery
A32 Proof of Delivery
A40 Shipment Cancelled (if applicable)
A06 Loaded on Board
A01 Empty Container Picked Up
A16 Empty Container Returned
A56 Carrier Arrived (1st Transit Point)
A57 Carrier: Departed (1st Transit Point)
A58 Carrier: Arrived (2nd Transit Point)
A59 Carrier: Departed (2nd Transit Point)
A98 Customer Documentation Cut-Off
B15 Customer VGM Cut-Off
Legal Terms
specifics for the use of Tracking Data
  • Tracking data is provided to You and/or the entity you are authorized to represent (hereinafter “You”/”Your”)  via this SHIPMENT TRACKING (DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING) API under the prerequisite, that You retrieved the according housebill number (DHL shipment number) in compliance with the applicable law, especially in the field of data protection and competition law and that You use the housebill number (DHL shipment number) and/or tracking data solely for Your own legitimate tracking purposes.
  • You may only submit tracking data to the recipient of DHL Global Forwarding shipment and no other person; such submission shall always been in compliance with applicable laws in the field of data protection and competition law, which includes that the data shall not be combined with advertisement or presented in a way that it could be regarded as advertisement.
  • If You are neither the sender nor the recipient of DHL Global Forwarding-shipment/s, the tracking data refers to,
    • You shall ensure, that you are authorized to act on behalf of the sender
    • You shall make the sender aware of the restrictions set out in this User Guide just as the General Developer Portal Terms of Use
    • You shall make the sender aware of the necessity to inform the recipient transparently about the processing of his/her personal data according to applicable data protection laws.
  • In no case shall you reveal and/or provide third parties with the housebill number (DHL shipment number) and/or tracking data and/or analyze, modify such data in any form and/or derive data/information especially for competitive reasons from it without our prior written consent.
  • Tracking data shall be used in accordance with the following specification:
    • Display “Delivered by Deutsche Post DHL Group“ in text (minimum font size) as soon as it is presented/submitted to recipient
  • You shall delete the housebill number (DHL shipment number) and tracking data which You received via the SHIPMENT TRACKING (DHL GLOBAL FORWARDING) API 30 days after the delivery (of the shipment) to the recipient is completed.
1. How to Register?
  • Please check the User Guide available on this page for detailed instructions.


2. Who to Contact?
  • For assistance, please contact


3. How to receive updates?
  • Click on the notification button at the top of this page.



Initial Release