Best for:
- Providing an interface to the Transport Management System (TMS)
- Customer-centric contract logistics solutions
- Business customers of DHL Supply Chain
The TMS APIs provide an interface to the Supply Chain's Transport Management System (TMS) operations.
This API covers services provided by DHL Supply Chain. More specifically, the covered areas of functionality are:
- Order - Also known as Consignment Order. This is a request from a customer to ship goods from one place to another.
Using the API
The API is accessed as REST API using OAuth 2.0 for authentication and authorization and JSON format for request and response messages.
The API uses HTTPS (over SSL) protocol.
Example Use Cases
DHL Supply Chain customers which would like to integrate their systems using standard APIs.
If you are not a DHL Supply Chain Customer, contact one of our experts here.
Get Access
To obtain the credentials please contact DHL Supply Chain Representative. You will receive separate credentials for the Sandbox and Production environment.
If you are not a DHL Supply Chain Customer, contact one of our experts here.
The addressable API base URL/URI environments are:
Environment | Description | | QA environment | | Production environment |
Rate limits
Rate limits protect the DHL infrastructure from suspicious requests that exceed defined thresholds.
When the limit is reached, you will receive an HTTP Status code:
429: Too many requests.
Please contact to get more information about it.
Terms & conditions for DHL Supply Chain ("DSC") application programming interfaces ("APIs")
- By registering for the use of and/or using DHL Supply Chain's (DSC's) Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) including the services that are integrated via these APIs (such as Warehouse Management System (WMS), Transport Management System and Connected View) – the APIs and the underlying services hereinafter collectively also referred to as “DSC APIs – each registrant and/or user of the DSC APIs (“You”) in addition to the General Developer Portal Terms of Use agree to these API terms & conditions (“API Terms & Conditions”) and all the terms included herein. These API Terms & Conditions are effective unless and until amended or terminated by DSC. Your rights under these API Terms & Conditions to use the DSC APIs (but not Your obligations and the restrictions set forth herein) will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with any of the terms herein or in the General Developer Portal Terms of Use. Should the terms of the General Developer Portal Terms of Use and these API Terms & Conditions conflict, these API Terms & Conditions shall govern.
- These API Terms & Conditions and the General Developer Portal Terms of Use govern Your usage of DSC APIs and, unless otherwise stated herein, do not replace and/or modify any other DSC terms and conditions, DSC transportation services agreements, DSC warehouse agreement and/or any other agreements, contracts or SOWs with DSC or DSC’s affiliates, which govern services or products provided to You by DSC (separately, each an “Agreement”).
- Notwithstanding the foregoing, You expressly acknowledge and agree that Your use of DSC APIs is governed by these API Terms & Conditions and the General Developer Portal Terms of Use, including but not limited to the General Developer Portal Terms of Use sections regarding limitation of liability, warranty, indemnification, termination, term, etc. and that solely with respect to Your use of DSC APIs these API Terms & Conditions and the General Developer Portal Terms of Use shall have preference over the terms and conditions in an Agreement, unless any terms and conditions in an Agreement specifically address the use of DSC APIs by You, in which case the specific terms and conditions of the Agreement shall prevail with respect to Your use of DSC APIs.
- You agree that for operational hours, maintenance, downtimes, incident management etc., as applied to the DSC APIs, the current version of the applicable service level agreement for such services (including but not limited to DHL LINK Global Business Service Level Agreement or as defined in the applicable Agreement) shall apply.
- You shall use the services and/or data that You receive via the DSC APIs only for legitimate business purposes, only in connection with DHL Supply Chain’s transportation and/or warehousing services, and in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, including but not limited to, laws regarding the use of personal data.
- When data has been sent or received outside of DSC’s business hours, the processing of data and/or execution of the services will start according to the terms and conditions set out in the applicable Agreement or, absent thereof, as soon as reasonably practicable.
- Neither DSC nor the contracting DSC entity, or any other DSC affiliate entity, is responsible for storing a record of any data (API-call or -request data or the actual contents of the data sets), that has been exchanged via the DSC APIs, unless expressly agreed upon in writing or in an applicable Agreement.
- These API Terms & Conditions and the General Developer Portal Terms of Use are governed by the law and courts defined in the Agreement. Any references in the General Developer Portal Terms of Use to German or European Union laws shall be enforceable according to the law and courts defined in the Agreement, and should such references to German or European laws be deemed unenforceable, the most similar legal concept under the laws and courts defined in the Agreement shall apply. Should no law or court be defined in the Agreement, these Terms & Conditions shall be governed according to the terms of the General Developer Portal Terms of Use.
- You acknowledge that material and information You may acquire about inventory management software programs owned or licensed by DSC, including (but not limited to) the WMS, staffing methods, financial or other accounting systems, fees, and DSC’s other procedures and processes relating to the APIs or WMS (“Materials”) are proprietary, confidential, and owned by DSC. Other than described herein, You shall have no additional rights to the Materials.
- Should the Agreement not include specific details regarding data fields for the DSC APIs, DSC shall determine which data fields need to be provided or filled by You, to use the DSC APIs, unless otherwise agreed.
- DSC shall have no liability to You should You make adjustments to the data in a WMS or to any other system (including but not limited to any records, logs, reports, etc. whether Yours or a third party’s), based on the data from the DSC APIs. Without prejudice to any other terms included herein, You agree that DSC shall not be liable for any corresponding costs due to the failure of the DSC APIs, including but not limited to any costs or liabilities arising from third parties.
Release Notes
- Extended Transportation Order APIs to Oracle Transportation Management TMS (OTM).
- Added new fields on order_create, loadingAddress, shipperAddress, receiverAddress, unloadingAddress, lineItems and new segment products.
- When is relevant, there are notes on field description advising if particular field is available for certain TMS only or if it is mandatory for certain TMS.
Updates to DHL LINK URL and spelling correction
Updated the DHL LINK URLs in the overview section.
Updated the spelling in Legal Terms section.
Updated the DHL LINK URL in the Reference Docs section.
- Field naming adjustments per DHL Standards and Guidelines
- The v1 of the API is retired. Customers using the existing V1 version, will remain as function as per normal, but new customers should use v2.
- Initial release