Order Management (AM)
Division: Post, Post & Parcel Germany

Best for:

  • Business customers of Deutsche Post AG
  • Electronic order management of Deutsche Post AG's commercial and logistics processes (Mail)
Region: Germany
Used for: Shipping

 You are on the documentation page of the Post DE Order Management (AM) API of Deutsche Post AG. In this and the following chapters we offer you:


Electronic order management provides information technology support for Deutsche Post's commercial and logistics processes. The customer benefits from these options in several ways:

  • Simple exchange of information between the parties involved in the order.
  • Lean pre-notification and posting process.
  • Via an Internet portal (AM.portal), Deutsche Post offers customers the option of tracking their postings from advance notice to posting to successful postal verification at the point of acceptance.
  • For pre-announced orders, invoicing can be done electronically.

Using the API

AM can be used to map all product families of the Post corporate division and all franking types, i.e.:

  • Letter Mail
  • Postwurf Special
  • Press Distribution products
  • Products international


AM.exchange is the B2B protocol for electronic data exchange between customers, system partners and Deutsche Post.


AM.portal is an Internet portal that provides customers and system partners using the AM.exchange protocol with information on orders and order status.

Überblick Datenkommunikation AM

Figure: Overview of data communication between customer and Deutsche Post


Brief overview of AM.exchange protocol

The AM.exchange protocol provides a collection of messages, so-called requests and responses, for the exchange of information with the order management system of Deutsche Post AG. The corresponding OrderManagement service is used to exchange order-related information.

Order Management Interface 

The Order Management interface is used to exchange order-related information. The core of this message collection is the message for order creation: service operation createOrder. In addition, further service operations are available: changeOrder (change of an order), cancelOrder (cancellation of an order), seekOrder (search for orders), getOrder (loading of an order) and seekOrderMessage (search for system messages).

The following information collection provides IT project managers and software developers with all the important information on the subject of Deutsche Post's AM.exchange protocol. Among other things, it answers the following questions:

  • What possibilities does the AM.exchange protocol offer?
  • What do the processes look like in detail?
  • What data is exchanged?
  • Which technical transmission channels can be used?
  • Which products and franking types are supported?
  • What testing options are available?
  • Who is the contact person for questions about AM.exchange?

We have more details for you in the Developer's Guide 

Please note the following information on the currently valid order management versions:

  • The Developer's Manual in version 5.3.1 contains the specifications changed as of 01/01/2025 with regard to additional Order – Teilleistung Brief as well as  discount - changes for  Dialogpost and is thus applicable for developers who want to implement these specifications.
  • The Developer's Manual in version 5.2.3 contains the specifications valid until 31/12/2024 with regard to additional Order – Teilleistung Brief and is thus applicable for developers who want to implement and productively use these specifications in 2024.
Data transmission channels

Deutsche Post offers its customers two data transmission channels. Each customer can decide which of the following options to use, depending on the technical options available to them and the use case:


Communication with the AM.Exchange web service with order management runs exclusively on the basis of SOAP via https. This ensures secure, encrypted transmission of data between customers and Deutsche Post. The web service enables synchronous data communication between customers and Deutsche Post, which means that the connection remains established until the request has been answered and the caller can then process the response immediately.

Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP)

The use of SFTP is very similar to FTP from the user's point of view. However, a significant difference is that with the SFTP protocol the data is encrypted during data transfer by using the SSH protocol. With this type of transfer, communication is asynchronous, i.e. the customer places a file with the response on the SFTP account assigned to him and receives a file with the response in the same account as soon as processing of the request is complete.

Support / Contact

Do you have questions about the listed interfaces? You can find our contact options at the following address: 



This appendix briefly lists the major changes for the different manual versions. The latest changes are listed at the beginning of this appendix, the changes in the older
in the older manuals are further down.

Please note the following information about the currently valid versions of the order management:

The Developer's Manual in version 5.3 contains the specifications changed as of 01/01/2025 with regard to additional Order – Teilleistung Brief and is thus applicable for developers who want to implement these specifications.

The Developer's Manual in version 5.2.3 contains the specifications valid until 31/12/2024 with regard to additional Order – Teilleistung Brief and is thus applicable for developers who want to implement and productively use these specifications in 2024.


Changes in manual version 5.3.1

Appendix G: 

Example 045 removed
Examples 23, 32, 33, 35, 36, 42, 43, 46, 47, 50, 52, 65, 66, 74, 75, 76, 77, 90, 97, 129, 130 changed: Dialogpost: partial elimination of discounts
Example 006 changed: elimination of differentiation Warensendung 500/1000;

 Appendix H :

AM.exchange product tables: Product table updated;

Changes in manual version 5.3

Chapter 5.4: Adjustments for new additional Order partial service Letter – Teilleistung Brief from 01/01/2025;

Chapter 8.13: Appendix Mehrfachversand has been removed;

Chapter 8.7: Adjustments for new additional Order partial service Letter – Teilleistung Brief from 01/01/2025;

Chapter 8.7.1 the chapter has been removed;

Appendix D: Adjustments of the schema documentation for new additional Order partial service Letter – Teilleistung Brief from 01/01/2025;

Appendix E: Adjustments of the schema documentation for new additional Order partial service Letter – Teilleistung Brief from 01/01/2025;

Appendix G:  Example 016 extended by Bsp_016_06_ab_01012025_createOrder_Request: ZA - Adaptation for new  additional Order partial service Letter – Teilleistung Brief from 01/01/2025;
Appendix H :

AM.exchange code table updated: Adaptation for new  additional Order partial service Letter – Teilleistung Brief from 01/01/2025;
AM.exchange product tables: Product table updated;

Changes in manual version 5.2.3

Various textual adjustments throughout the document AM.portal -> AM.GKP;
Chapter 8.18: the chapter has been removed;
Chapter Targeted order display in the AM.portal has been completely removed
The previous chapter 9.2 The meaning of the service versions is given the designation 9.1;
Appendix G - Examples 004, 101, 127, 143, 144 removed
Examples 006, 009, 011, 030, 122, 123, 128, 145 and all Press Distribution Examples changed;
Appendix H :
Production sites - table updated;
AM.exchange product tables: Product table updated;
Appendix I - updated message texts added

Changes in manual version 5.2.2

Production sites - table updated;


Production sites - table updated;
AM.exchange product tables: Product table updated


Chapter 8.11: Discontinuation of the PWZ franking service
Figures 16, 18, 23 updated
Annex G - Examples 023, 031, 042, 052 and 078: Change in franking from AS /FS
PWZ to FV (AS and PWZ no longer valid from 01.01.2024);
Example 117 removed
Anhanh H :
General code table updated;
Production sites - table updated;
AM.exchange product tables: Product table updated
The PDF form of the product tables with multiple pages can be found here:
Codetables\AM.exchange Products National_multipage.pdf
Codetables\AM.exchange Products International_multipage.pdf
Appendix I - updated message texts added
Appendix J - the document Specification Matrixcode has been updated

Changes in manual version 5.2.1

Appendix D - Specification of schema description createOrder Request, changeorder Request
and getOrder Response: consignment numbers with regard to partial performance
Appendix E - Specification of schema description createOrder Request, changeorder Request
and getOrder Response: item numbers with regard to partial service
Appendix G - Dialogpost examples adapted with regard to the minimum quantity, example 053: Addition
various search patterns with order headers (to find planned orders), example
044 corrected, examples 126, 131 and 132 removed
Appendix H - Production sites updated
AM.exchange product tables: Product table updated
The PDF form of the product tables with several pages can be found here:
Codetables\AM.exchange Products National_multipage.pdf
Codetables\AM.exchange Products International_multipage.pdf

Changes in manual version 5.2

Chapter 2.1 Number management web service removed
Section 8.3 Dialogpost appointment removed
Chapter 8.18 Electronic advance customs notification (Warenpost International) removed
Appendix D - Error correction Schema description Packaging createOrder Request, changeorder
Request and getOrder Response
Appendix E - Error correction Schema description Packaging createOrder Request, changeorder Request and getOrder Response
Request and getOrder Response
Appendix G - Example 016 (new partial service structure) changed: Qty in the local references
removed, examples 140, 142, 146, 147 and 148 removed, new example 044 (Dialogpost
with specification of the GSA sorting program) added
Appendix H - AM.exchange product tables: Product table updated
The PDF form of the product tables with several pages can be found here:
Codetables\AM.exchange Products National_multipage.pdf
Codetables\AM.exchange Products International_multipage.pdf
Production sites updated
Appendix I - Message texts updated

Changes in manual version 5.1

Kapitel 5.4 Verweise auf die Sendungsnummern, weitere Rabattpositionen
Kapitel 8.7 Abbildung der FrankierID’s der Einlieferungsaufträge im Zusatzauftrag
Anhang D - Erweiterung der Schema – Beschreibung (Shipment – Sektion) im Hinblick auf
die Erweiterung der Struktur der Teilleistungsaufträge
Anhang E - Erweiterung der Schema -Beschreibung (Shipment – Sektion) im Hinblick auf die
Erweiterung der Struktur der Teilleistungsaufträge
Anhang G – neue Beispiele: 10 Kennzeichnung der Laufzeitoptionen und 016 Erweiterung
der Teilleistungsstruktur
Anhang H - Codetables: Bezeichnung der GSA Sortierprogramme
AM.exchange Produkttabellen: neue Produkttabelle mit weiteren Rabatt – Produktnummern
für Teilleistung (gültig ab 01.01.2023)
Die PDF -Form der Produkttabellen mit mehreren Seiten finden Sie hier:
Codetables\AM.exchange Produkte National_mehrseitig.pdf
Codetables\AM.exchange Produkte International_mehrseitig.pdf

Changes in manual version 5.0.2

Chapter 8.18 Country code removed
Appendix G - Correction of example 99 and extension of example 77 (additional pick-up order),
Adjustment of the pick-up product numbers in the corresponding Dialogpost examples
Appendix H - Codetables
AM.exchange product tables: new product table17122022

Changes in manual version 5.0.1

Appendix H - Codetables
AM.exchange product tables: further product tables, valid from 01.01.2022
Production sites

Changes in manual version 5.0

Change of order management version from 4.4 to 5.0
Paragraph 2.7 and 8.16 added; 4.6 changes to OM 5.0 incorporated.
Appendix C - New schema files in version 5.0: new attribute bid in the shipping plan,
new attributes serNum, transport and sortProc in the packaging, extension of the service operation
seekOrder request to include the search for procedures/participation with/without charge settlement number
Appendix D - New schema documentation as PDF
Appendix E - New schema documentation as HTML
Appendix F - New WSDL files in version 5.0
Appendix G - Adaptation of all press examples with regard to changes as of 01.01.2021,
new example 118, extension of example 053
Appendix H - AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange products.pdf
Annex I - updated message texts added
Anhnag J - new added: Specification data matrix code for bundle label Press

Changes in manual version 4.4.11

AM.exchange- Manual for Software Developers Version 5.2.2 Page 103 of 108
Chapter 1.5 Change to the download link of the developer manual
Appendix G - New example 105
Appendix H - AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf

Changes in manual version 4.4.10

Chapter 6.3 Independent schema check by the developer: Possibility of using the web checker
of the web checker
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendix D - XML schema documentation (PDF)
Appendix E - XML Schema Documentation (HTML)
Appendix G - New examples 007, 034 and 148, omission of example 105
Appendix H - AM.exchange product tables and production sites
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf
- Addition of contact details for depots
Anhnag J - Deutsche Post contact person
- Change of contact details and service times
Appendix K - Change history
- Cleanup: Removal of the history < OM Schema 4.4

Changes in manual version 4.4.9

Chapter 6.3 Independent schema check by the developer
Chapter 8.18 Extension of the description: Summary of shipments to (ideally)
one order
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendix D - XML schema documentation (PDF)
Appendix E - XML schema documentation (HTML)
Appendix G - Change example 006, omission of examples 007, 010, 057 and 124
Appendix H - AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf

Changes in manual version

Chapter 8.18 Extension of the description: Web service no longer mandatory
Annex G Amendment Examples 142 and 147: Web service no longer mandatory

Changes in manual version 4.4.8

Chapter 2.1 Transmission channels: Description Number management
Chapter 8.18 Extension of the description
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendix C - XML Schema Number Management
Appendix D - XML schema documentation (PDF)
Appendix E - XML Schema Documentation (HTML)
Appendix F - WSDL / WADL files: WADL files for Numbermanagement
Appendix G - New sample files for retrieving the consignment number ranges for Warenpost International
(S10 IDS) and transfer of the consignment number (S10 ID) directly in the createOrder
Appendix H - AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange products.pdf
Appendix I - Error codes and error messages

Changes in manual version 4.4.7

Chapter 2.1 Transmission channels: Discontinuation of Connect Direct and X400
Chapter 7 Discontinuation Description Connect Direct and X400
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendix D - XML schema documentation (PDF)
Appendix E - XML schema documentation (HTML)
Appendix F - WSDL files: Revised version of the WSDL files
Appendix G - New sample files for pre-registration digital copy (valid from 01.01.2019),
New example with the Premiumadress contract partner role (valid from
01.01.2019), omission of example 019
Appendix H - AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange products.pdf
Appendix I - Error codes and error messages

Changes in manual version

Chapter 8.18 Additional information on electronic advance customs notification
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendix H - Note on example 142
Appendix I AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf

Changes in manual version 4.4.6

Chapter 8.18 Electronic advance customs notification
Chapter 8.7.1 Declaration of infrastructure discount
Chapter 8.8 Addition of reference to Chapter 8.7.1
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendices D - E Documentation of the XML schema
Appendix H - Example files: Example 142 for the electronic advance customs notification and
Examples 004 and 030 for the infrastructure discount declaration
Appendix I - AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf
Appendix I - AM.exchange code table

Changes in manual version 4.4.5

Chapter 8.4 Labeling and categorization of Dialogpost items
Chapter 8.10 Postwurf Spezial (labeling of Postwurf Spezial items)
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendices D - E Documentation of the XML schema
Appendix H - Sample files: new example for Postwurf Spezial (representation SACHETS),
New example for Dialogpost (representation SACHETS)
Change of examples for Dialogpost (categorization of Dialogpost postings)
Appendix I - AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf
Appendix I - AM.exchange code table

Changes in manual version 4.4.4

Chapter 8.9 Postwurf Special
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendices D - E Documentation of the XML schema
Appendix H - Sample files: new examples for Postwurf Spezial,
Examples with ZL franking have been removed
Appendix I - AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf
Appendix I - AM.exchange code table

Changes in manual version 4.4.3

Appendix B - Version overview
Appendices D - E Documentation of the XML Schema
Appendix H - Sample files
Appendix I - AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf
Appendix I - AM.exchange code table

Changes in manual version

The following data blocks have been changed:
Chapter 8.3 Use of additional services in connection with DIALOGPOST - Postings
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendix H - Sample files
AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf

Changes in manual version 4.4.2

The manual was adapted with regard to the further development of the new dialog marketing products
from 01.07.2016.
The following data blocks have been supplemented for this purpose.
Section 8.3 Use of additional services in connection with DIALOGPOST - Postings
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendices D - E Documentation of the XML schema
Appendix H - Sample files
Appendix I - AM.exchange Codetables
Appendix J - Message texts
AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf

Changes in manual version 4.4.1

The manual has been completely revised due to the introduction of new dialog marketing products
as of 01.01.2016.
The following data blocks have been supplemented for this purpose.
Appendix B - Version overview
Appendices C - E Documentation of the XML schema
Appendix H - Sample files
Appendix J - Message texts
AM.exchange product tables
- See change history AM.exchange Products.pdf

Changes in manual version 4.4

This extension enables customers to use the new service offered by DP DHL Group
"service offered by DP DHL Group to track their national and international shipments.
shipments. To create or change customer orders, the functionality of
"AM.exchange" is extended to include the necessary data for activation and shipment tracking
for shipments with RFID transponders to the AM system.
The following data blocks have been added for this purpose.
Tracking data:
- Shipment ID
- Country of departure
- Technical or customer identifier
- Customer's own consignment ID
Contact details:
- Data on the consignee
Customs data:
- Goods information
- Contents list
Appendix C - Version overview
Appendix I - Sample files
AM.exchange product tables