Best for:
- Providing access to the shipment status at any time
- Integrating all types of DHL shipments
- Multiple shipments (e.g. eCommerce, Express, Freight, Letter, Parcel, etc.)
The Shipment Tracking API provides up-to-the-minute shipment status reports. Users of this API can:
- Retrieve tracking information for shipments.
- Identify the DHL service provider involved with the shipment.
- Verify DHL is using the correct delivery address. This can reduce the number of misdelivered shipments.
This API covers services provided by DHL under these brand names:
- Post & Parcel Germany
- Einschreiben National, Einschreiben, Einschreiben Rückschein, Einschreiben Eigenhändig, Einschreiben Einwurf, Wert, Prio, Nachname, Einschreiben International, Einschreiben Rückschein International, Einschreiben Eigenhändig International, Wert National, Warenpost Tracked International, Ländernachweis, Postzustellungsauftäge (PZA), Internetmarke, Warenpost National, Paket
- Einschreiben National, Einschreiben, Einschreiben Rückschein, Einschreiben Eigenhändig, Einschreiben Einwurf, Wert, Prio, Nachname, Einschreiben International, Einschreiben Rückschein International, Einschreiben Eigenhändig International, Wert National, Warenpost Tracked International, Ländernachweis, Postzustellungsauftäge (PZA), Internetmarke, Warenpost National, Paket
- DHL Express
- DHL Express 9:00, DHL Express 10:30, DHL Express 12:00, DHL Express Worldwide, DHL Express Envelope, DHL Express Easy, DHL Economy Select, DHL Express Domestic 9:00, DHL Express Domestic 10:30, DHL Express Domestic 12:00, DHL Express Domestic 18:00, DHL Medical Express, DHL Express Breakbulk
- DHL Express 9:00, DHL Express 10:30, DHL Express 12:00, DHL Express Worldwide, DHL Express Envelope, DHL Express Easy, DHL Economy Select, DHL Express Domestic 9:00, DHL Express Domestic 10:30, DHL Express Domestic 12:00, DHL Express Domestic 18:00, DHL Medical Express, DHL Express Breakbulk
- DHL Global Forwarding (incl. DHL Same Day)
- AirFreight, OceanFreight Shipments
- SameDay: SameDay Jetline Unaccompanied shipment, SameDay Jetline accompanied shipment, Same Day Speedline, SameDay Sprintline
- eCommerce shipments
- DHL Freight
- EuroConnect, Eurapid, EuroLine, EuroNet, Customs Services, Coldchain,Trade Fairs & Events, Standard Pallet Domestic, Premium Pallet Domestic, Lead Logistics Provider, Transport Related Warehousing, RailConnect, RailLine, Parcel, Home Delivery
- EuroConnect, Eurapid, EuroLine, EuroNet, Customs Services, Coldchain,Trade Fairs & Events, Standard Pallet Domestic, Premium Pallet Domestic, Lead Logistics Provider, Transport Related Warehousing, RailConnect, RailLine, Parcel, Home Delivery
- DHL eCommerce Solutions
- Cross-border products (Parcel Connect, Return Connect, Parcel International, Connect PLUS, Return International), Worldwide Air, Road Economy
- Domestic Ground, Expedited, Expedited Max, Parcel International, Packet International
- Domestic Shipments Asia-Pacific
- DHL Supply Chain
It does not cover:
- Services that require a login (eg. B2B systems).
The API provides users with tracking information on:
- Shipment location
- Shipment delivery time*
- Shipment travel history*
- The Proof of Delivery*
- Shipment timestamp
- Origin and destination information
- Shipment number of pieces*
- Shipment piece level events*
- Shipment dimensions*
- Shipment weight*
* Not available for all DHL services.
Using the API
You must have an eligible tracking code for the shipment and an API subscription key (this key needs to be specified in the request header).
The demo-key returns only a mocked response.
Example Use Cases
Find the location of a shipment
You can use the API to help you build a website or application that enables DHL customers to see the location of their shipment.
The API will also identify the DHL service provider involved.
Discover when a shipment will arrive
You can use the API to help you build a website or application that enables DHL customers to see when they can expect a delivery.
The system will also identify the DHL service provider involved.
Discover where a shipment has been (location history)
Some customers want to know their shipments’ travel history.
You can use the API to help you build a website or application that enables DHL customers to see location history information such as:
- The timestamps
- The locations traveled
The API will also identify the DHL service provider involved.
Check if DHL will ship to the correct address
You can help DHL customers verify the DHL service provider is using the correct delivery address.
You can use the API to build query forms where users needs to enter the Tracking ID for a shipment.
Discover which DHL service I used
You can help DHL customers find out which DHL service provider is delivering their shipment.
You can use the API to build query forms where users needs to enter the Tracking ID for a shipment.
Get the Proof of Delivery
DHL’s Electronic Proof of Delivery lets you get delivery details and an image of the receiver’s signature, if it is captured digitally. When a shipment is delivered by DHL, the recipient signs and writes their name on the driver’s hand-held device. The digital signature is available the next day after delivery.
Some ordering clients want Proof of Delivery, because they want to charge their customers.
The API can provide users with a Proof of Delivery.
The API will also identify the DHL service provider involved.
Get information on shipment delays
Some customers want to be informed of any potential delays to a delivery.
The API can provide them with the information regarding potential shipment delays.
The API will also identify the DHL service provider involved.
Customize my web application
You can use optional parameters and customize your web application based on your users’ needs.
You can use the API to create language-specific web applications, so that customers can track their shipment in their native language.
Get Access
You must request credentials for any applications you develop
To register your app and get your API subscription keys:
- Click My Apps on the portal website.
- Click the + Add App button.
The “Add App” form appears. - Complete the Add App form.
You can select the APIs you want to access. - When you have completed the form, click the Add App button.
Every call to the API requires a subscription key. This key needs to be passed through a request header (DHL-API-Key).
To view your API subscription keys:
- From the My Apps screen, click on the name of your app.
The Details screen appears. - If you have access to more than one API, click the name of the relevant API.
Note: The APIs are listed under the “Credentials” section. - Click the Show link below the asterisks that is hiding the Consumer Key.
The Consumer Key appears.
The addressable API base URL/URI environments are:
Environment | Description | | Sandbox and production environment |
Rate limits
Rate limits protect the DHL infrastructure from suspicious requests that exceed defined thresholds.
When you first request access to the Shipment Tracking - Unified API, you will get the initial service level which allows 250 calls per day with a maximum of 1 call every 5 seconds.
Additional rate limits are available and they are granted according to your specific use case. If you would like to request for additional limits, please proceed with the following steps:
- Create an app as described under Get Access section.
- Click My Apps on the portal website.
- Click on the App you created
- Scroll down to the APIs list and click on the "Request Upgrade" button.
- Please refer to the example below:
If the limit is reached, you will receive an HTTP Status code:
429: Too many requests.
Additional Information
Message Format
This API uses RESTful JSON format to represent any resource affordances and link relations between resources. Any non-error response of application/json
media type shall be interpreted as defined in RESTful JSON specification.
Furthermore, the RESTful JSON responses are in JSON-LD-compatible format.
General conventions
Enums defined in the API response entities might hold just a subset of possible values (e.g. new values can be added to enum in future non-breaking versions). In the case, when the value doesn’t meet clients expectation, client should process it as undefined.
Error Message Format
In the case of error, the application/problem+json
(Problem Detail) is used to communicate details about an error.
Date & Time format
Date and Time always conform to the ISO 8601 format e.g.: 2017-06-21T14:07:17+2:00
(date time) or 2017-06-21T14:07:17Z
(date time) or 2017-06-21
(date). If no time zone information is provided the time zone should be interpreted as in the place of the respective shipment event.
Error Responses
This API might use the full range of common HTTP response statuses as defined in RFC7231.
This API documentation shows only the 404
for illustration purposes on how an error response might look like.
The API request might return localized messages (e.g. human readable description of a shipment status code). It is possible to indicate the language preferred by the calling user agent using the language
query parameter. If the requested language is not available but the shipment is still found the API returns a successful response and indicates the actual langaguage of the response in the Content-Language header.
API Client Recommendation
Clients of the API should expect, that enums defined in the API response entities might hold just subset of possible values (e.g. new values can be added to enum in future non-breaking versions). In the case, when the value doesn’t meet clients expectation, client should process it as undefined.
Clients are advised, that optional fields may not be included in response when their value is not defined.
Selecting the preferred language
The API request can return localized messages (e.g. a human readable description of a shipment status code).
To select your preferred language:
- Use the language query parameter when calling the user agent.
If the requested language is not available but the shipment is still found, the API returns a successful response and indicates the actual language of the response in the Content-Language header.
Permitted HTTP methods
HTTP method | Use this to: |
Retrieve data |
DHL Parcel queries and responses
DHL Parcel Germany
For our parcel services in Germany, you can add recipientPostalCode to your query. This will provide you with more detailed information about the shipment.
DHL Parcel Netherlands
For our parcel services in the Netherlands, you can add recipientPostalCode to your query. This will provide you with more detailed information, such as status information.
Example requests to the API
Simple HTTP request example
curl -X GET '' -H 'DHL-API-Key:PasteHere_ConsumerKey'
An explanation of the simple HTTP request example
Command | Description |
curl |
curl is the command for running the cURL tool from the command line interface. cURL is a tool for transferring data to or from a server that is on the internet. |
-X |
-X is the command that allows you to send the “HTTP method” that you want to use. HTTP methods are used by web browsers and web servers to request information from each other. The most common HTTP methods are GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE. |
GET | GET is the command (“HTTP method”) for requesting information from an API. | | is the endpoint location (URI) of the “resource” you are requesting. Resources are the information objects that the API can exchange. Resources have data associated with them. |
? |
? tells the API the request contains query string parameters. The ? followed by the parameters, and their values are called the “query string.” Parameters are options you can send with your requests. Parameters are used to tailor and filter the response you receive from the API. In the query string, each parameter is listed one after the other, with an & separating them (not shown in this example). |
trackingNumber=7777777770 | This query string requests information on a shipment whose tracking number is 7777777770. |
-H |
-H is the command that allows you to pass “http request headers” to the API resource. Headers contain information about the request. It often contains security information, such as user authentication keys. You must replace PasteHere_ConsumerKey with the Consumer Key provided to you by DHL in the MyApps screen. |
Detailed HTTP request example
curl -X GET '' -H 'DHL-API-Key:PasteHere_ConsumerKey'
The cURL example contains these parameters:
Parameter | Description | Example |
trackingNumber |
The tracking number of the shipment for which you want tracking information. | 7777777770 |
service |
Advice on which service (provider) should be used to resolve the tracking number. | express |
originCountryCode |
The country code of the shipment origin. This can be used to further qualify the shipment tracking number (`trackingNumber`) parameter in the request. |
NZ |
requesterCountryCode |
The requester country code. This can be used to adjust the display options. | GB |
Note: See the DHL Shipment Tracking API Reference Guide for more information on the available parameters.
Simple Python code sample
import http.client import urllib.parse import json params = urllib.parse.urlencode({ 'trackingNumber': '7777777770', 'service': 'express' }) headers = { 'Accept': 'application/json', 'DHL-API-Key': 'ApiKeyHere' } connection = http.client.HTTPSConnection("") connection.request("GET", "/track/shipments?" + params, "", headers) response = connection.getresponse() status = response.status reason = response.reason data = json.loads( print("Status: {} and reason: {}".format(status, reason)) print(data) connection.close()
specifics for the use of Tracking Data
- Data requested and received via the SHIPMENT TRACKING – UNIFIED API, such as transport status, estimated delivery time, including the tracking number is hereinafter referred to as “Tracking Data”.
- Tracking Data is Confidential Information in the meaning of section “Communication” of the General Developer Portal Terms of Use. Other than set forth below You must not reveal and/or provide third parties with the Tracking Data and/or analyze, modify such data in any form and/or derive data/information especially for competitive purposes from it without DHL’s prior written consent.
- Tracking Data is provided to You and/or the entity you are authorized to represent (hereinafter “You”/”Your”) via this SHIPMENT TRACKING – UNIFIED API under the prerequisite, that You retrieved the according tracking number in compliance with the applicable law, especially in the field of data protection and competition law and that You use the Tracking Data solely for Your own or Your customers’ legitimate tracking purposes.
- You shall not combine Tracking Data with advertisement or present it in a way that it could be regarded as advertisement.
- Unless otherwise agreed, You shall delete the Tracking Data 30 days after the delivery (of the shipment) to the recipient is completed.
- Tracking Data shall be used in accordance with the following specification:
- Display “Delivered by Deutsche Post DHL Group“ in text (minimum font size) as soon as it is presented/submitted to recipient and/or Your customers.
- The use and submission of Tracking Data – including submission to any of Your subcontractors – shall always be in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, including – without limitation – data protection laws and competition/antitrust law.
- If you are acting on behalf of a (mutual) shipping customer or the consignee, i.e. you are neither the sender nor the consignee of the DHL Group-shipment the Tracking Data refers to, the following applies:
• You are required to obtain all necessary consent(s) under the applicable laws, especially Data Protection Laws and postal secrecy protection laws. This shall include the obligation to obtain valid consent from the sender, and - if the Tracking Data contains consignee data, such as name or address - to ensure that valid consent has been obtained from the consignee, in each case prior to requesting the Tracking Data.
• You shall make the sender aware of the necessity of transparently informing the consignee about the processing of their personal data in accordance with applicable Data Protection Laws.
• You shall transparently inform the sender and/or consignee that the use of Your Application may lead to the disclosure of protected data (e.g., protected by postal secrecy and Data Protection Laws) to third parties, including yourself.
• You are required to inform the sender and/or consignee of the restrictions outlined in this User Guide and the General Developer Portal Terms of Use.
You shall, upon our written request, provide proof of compliance with the above requirements. We may conduct an audit to verify your compliance with the above requirements in accordance with the audit provisions (see section “MONITORING AND AUDIT”) in our General Developer Portal Terms of Use.
This changelog section is an abstract and optional representation of the actual changes to the API description. For full details of the changes to a previous version please refer to API description.
ecommerce-iberia onboarded
Integration of Shipment Tracking of ecommerce-iberia shipments (pull)
PPL Onboarded
Integration of Shipment Tracking of PPL shipments ( ) (pull and push)
EDD for Parcel_de
EDD (Estimate Date of Delivery) including time window has been enabled for parcel_de shipments.
eCommerce Status Code
- Under "status" you will now receive ecommerce codes e.g. “600”
- The current content of "status" is moved to "description"
- Secondary event description is mapped to status "remark"
Parcel DE Shipments Status Update
- Under "status" you will receive a set of codes e.g. “ZU”
- The current content of "status" is moved to "remark"
- "statusCode" and "description" remains unchanged
EDD eCommerce
- Expected Deliver date for service ecommerce is now visible in shipment.estimatedTimeOfDelivery if available
Parcel DE displaying cities after postal code has been added
- Service Parcel DE now shows city in addressLocality when correct recipientPostalCode is added in the request
Parcel PL and Parcel NL Status Update
- Added service Parcel NL "status" element to shipment.status.status and moved the current Parcel NL status to shipment.status.description
- Added service Parcel PL "status" element to shipments.status.status
Express ProductCode and ProductName
For Express ProductCode and ProductName details are now available
Dynamic application security testing (DAST) is enabled. It helps to detect common security issues such as cross-site scripting (XSS), SQL injection, insecure direct object references, and more
Added new 'destinationProvider' enum value 'poste-italiane'
- Supporting all date formats (ex: Date ("2018-01-01"), Date + Time without zone ("2018-01-01T05:20:30"), Date + Time with zone ("2018-01-01T05:20:30+02:00", "2018-01-01T05:20:30Z")) from BU's.
- Unifying places, all places are secured and protected by challenge (postal-code) in default.
- References are protected by secret scope (public, secret, sensitive). User will get the response based on the scope of reference search.
'returnFlag' element is added in shipment body to mark the shipment as rejected or returned
Demo-key - usage change
Effective June 27th, the functionality of the "Try Now" feature within the Unified Tracking API will be transitioned to provide mocked up responses for testing purposes instead of using real shipment data. This change also extends to the utilization of the demo key. Developers who currently employ the demo key are requested to complete a registration process in order to acquire their own unique API key.
Updated service enum with value "ecommerce-europe'
Added `provider` to shipment model, including the field `destinationProvider`.
- The tracking number example provided in the Open API Specification was updated
- Added `parcel-uk` to enum list `service`.
- Added `pieceIds` to shipment event model.
- Updated Date & Time format comment section.
- Added `sameday` to enum list `service`.
- Added `post-de` to enum list `service`.
- Updated to OpenAPI specification version 3.
- Added `serviceUrl` and `rerouteUrl` to shipment model.
- Added `reference` as new reference type in shipment details model.
- Updated Description for statusCode
- Fixed typos, maintenance release.
- Added `shipment-id` to list of possible responses.
- Added pagination.
- Maintenance release
Upcoming Changes
- Starting from 31 July 2020, latest, it will be possible for you to retrieve mail / letter tracking (belonging to the brand name Post & Parcel Germany) in addition with the Shipment Tracking – Unified API. More details can be checked here.
- Updated vocabulary location.
- Added general conventions notice in comment section.
- Added `housebill` to list of possible responses.
- Removed example for `trackingNumber` and `recipientPostalCode`.
- Modified format of the API description comment section.
Content review
- Added `Legal specifics for the use of tracking data`
- Adjusted the Standard `Rate Limits`
- Minor typo fixes in comment section.
- Edited description of requesterCountryCode.
- Fixed the host name introduced as part of the 1.0.4 version.
- Introduced new host name and API key header name. The old names are deprecated but still functional until further notice. Please migrate to the new host and API key header and refrain from using the deprecated ones.
- Added a disclaimer in the changelog section.
- Improved timestamps descriptions to convey the value might be either ISO 8601 date OR ISO 8601 date time.
- Shipments:
- Added description to the additional matching shipments link relation (`possibleAdditionalShipmentsUrl`) at the shipments level.
- Minor discription fixing of the fields`requesterCountryCode`, `originCountryCode`, `recipientPostalCode` and `language`.
- Added `estimatedTimeOfDeliveryRemark` field to the response "Shipment" model.
- Added various examples.
- Added `documentURL` and marked `signatureURL` as deprecated to the response "ProofOfDelivery" model.
- Added `possibleAdditionalShipmentsUrl` to reflect matches in other backends / services to the response "Shipment" model.
- Fixed some warnings related to JSON syntax.
- Initial launch
Express - sorting event history
improvement on sorting express checkpoints in the event history